понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

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��� ummmmmmmmmm what to say....? so today�I realized I needed to organize myschool stuff because it was like a big pile of trash so everything is in its right folder and I can find everything I need. Than I did a rewrite on a paper that was not good enough for one of my proffesors so I did that (thank god he likes me enough to let me do that) and I got a calander and wrote assignments on it so I know ahead of time when things are due. And I started planning the rest of my year out with my breaks and everything and realized that I have like 3 days for thanksgiving and than Im back at school the following monday.....a little sad but thats the quarter system. But my weekend was filled with doging buses (figurativly) watching police raids on T.V. ( previesly recorded) and wanting to get wasted(not really) oh and wanting�to just have one day or night or both to be free and be with Chris. I have been contenplating�when I can actually accomplish this goal by using the�5 useless tips that I must apply to my life ( says my AL Teacher) Becaus eyou canapos;t make a decision with out it.[ I hate that class]. Oh and I canapos;t forget the oh soo fun task of laundry and folding Yayaya� So all in all a crazy wild�wild uncontrolled weekend�here in Manhatten Beach.

�� Hannah I donapos;t think�your weekend can compare to mine lol�

��� That was a joke Hannah �
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